1983 World Series, Game 5: Orioles @ Phillies

Baltimore Orioles 5 at Philadelphia Phillies 0, F — Eddie Murray hit a pair of homers and Rick Dempsey added a solo shot to back the five-hit pitching of Scott McGregor as the Orioles wrapped up their first World Series title in 13 years with a 5-0 shutout of the Phillies. Murray and Dempsey hit solo homers off Charles Hudson in the 2nd and 3rd innings, and Murray’s two-run shot in the 4th broke the game open. Al Bumbry drove in Dempsey in the 5th to set the final margin, and McGregor took over from there. Picking up where he left off in Game 1, when he allowed only two runs in eight innings despite taking the loss, McGregor went the distance, striking out six, as the Orioles wrapped up the championship.

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